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Isometric exercises to gain more muscle at home

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Isometric exercises for you

Training at home you can also hypertrophy and gain some volume in your muscles, so we tell you 10 isometric exercises for you to try and maximize your results.

If you want defined muscles and you already know the best tricks to mark the veins in your arms even when you are at home, the secret is isometric exercises. They are easy to execute, and you will gain strength and volume. We tell you about the most effective ones and we propose 2 circuits, 3 times a week for 2 months. Forget about your biceps and pecs for a moment, because although it may not seem like it, these movements will also help you look bigger and stronger when you look in the mirror. There will be no curls, pull-ups, or bench presses, but we assure you that you will notice it in your muscles in a very short time. Varying is also the secret to gaining muscle and hypertrophy.

And it is that training with body weight is very useful not only because they help you gain muscle and burn fat, they also because improve your coordination, and your balance and help you correct your body posture. So now you know, that the routines with these 10 exercises that we propose are never missing from your training.

Isometric exercises to gain muscle at home

Isometric exercises at home

You will use your body weight, with short but intense exercises, isolating the muscles and, on top of that, you will correct your body posture and postural hygiene.

Static Abdominals

Lying on your back, stretch your legs at a 90-degree angle and slowly raise your trunk with your arms outstretched. Hold in that position for as long as you can, eventually coming down to 75 degrees. The more you raise your upper body, the more effective the exercise will be for your six-pack and your abs. Don’t tell me your entire core area doesn’t burn.

Contralateral Plank

From the side, lean on one arm and the opposite leg and hold for about 10 seconds. With this movement, you will also work your obliques on fire and you will achieve the long-awaited V in the hip area that obsesses you so much. Of course, do not force excessively during the movement to avoid injuring yourself; respect the technique to the maximum.

Hip Lifts Or Hip Thrust

Perfect for your femoral, gluteal, and abdominal muscles, 3 series of 5 repetitions each, holding for a few seconds above. You can also use a Swiss ball to support the legs. A basic in any lower body training, both with body weight and with a bar with kilos.

Horizontal Plank With Forearms

Normal plank supported on your forearms, holding for half a minute up until you can. If your forearms hurt, take note here of the best exercises to gain muscle in the forearms.

Aerial Squats

With weight in your hands or with nothing, go as deep as you can, to activate your entire lower body and legs well. An option is also the Goblet squat with a dumbbell or kettlebell. Remember here how to do squats well and the types that exist.

Strides, Lunges, Or Lunges

The same, with weight on the sides or not, go down, but that your knee does not exceed when lowering the tip of the feet. Keep your back straight and don’t lean back.


Also to bulk up the traps, hold two weights in your hands and roll your shoulders up toward your ears and slowly lower.

Isometric Push-Ups

Arms wider than shoulder width. Hold for a few seconds halfway through and continue with the push-ups.

Isometric Plank With Displacement

In the traditional plank position, with a straight back and firm buttocks, we slide our feet back as slowly and smoothly as possible, using sliders or sliding discs.

Leg Curl On The Ground

With this movement we will work on the hamstrings and buttocks in a very simple way: lie on your back with your heels resting on the discs, with your legs bent and your back and buttocks in contact with the ground. We do a buttock lift as if we were doing a bridge, and then try to stretch the legs taking advantage of the sliding of the discs.

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