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The Best Family Games You Should Try

These are the best family games for you and your family following proper research from experts at

  1. Word Squares

Show your smarts, creativity, and skill with this fun game! Similar to the dot game, your goal is to create as many squares as possible, however, this has the addition of words! This is a great game to help littles with their reading. How many words can you create without getting blocked?!

  1. The Sentence Game

This family game is such a fun one to play with a group of people, but it’s also a good one to get the creative juices flowing. It’s like a combination of Pictionary and Telephone – and the results are ALWAYS hilarious. First, you’ll want to start by writing a statement about someone in the room and pass it to the next person. After that, you’ll have them draw it! The link above has a printable template for you to use and more instructions.

  1. Scattergories

Scattegories has always been one of our favorite family games, and this is like a homemade version of that classic fave. It includes fun printables and ideas! It also keeps the kids entertained and we have fun thinking of different 5-letter words and categories to use. Check out this Spouse Scattergories Game too!

4. Who Am I?

This is a game that everyone has probably played at least once at a party, and it’s also a quick and easy, last-minute, family game. To begin, each person gets 20 questions to find out “who they are.” For example, we like to use Disney characters and cartoons when we play with our little kids. Sometimes we’ll even use the names of our extended family!

  1. The Name Game

In this game, everyone comes up with the name of a person (for example, it can be someone you know, a celebrity, etc.) but don’t tell anyone–write it down! After that, you’ll write the names on slips of paper which are then drawn. Clues are given, and everyone tries to guess who that person is! So fun, right?! This game is a great way to practice your acting skills.

  1. Walmart BINGO

This BINGO idea can be tweaked into the perfect fun family game for when you do feel like going out of the house! Plus, you still only need pens and/or pencils and paper. You can also probably get a little shopping done while you’re at it (wink). There are also bingo games you can try out at online casino real money, you and your family can compete with them too.

  1. Take a Hint

You’ll need 2 teams of 4 to play this fun and tricky game. You can give hints, but only have one chance to guess the word correctly. In other words, this is definitely a game you’ll want to check out!

  1. How Do You Doo

This game is similar to Name that Tune, except you take turns seeing how many songs you can get your team to guess in 5 minutes. However, there’s a catch – you can only sing the word “doo.” So fun, right?! It’s also a great way to add a little extra music to your life.

  1. Movie ID

This is such a fun one to add to your list of fun family games, but just a warning: it’s so addictive. You might find yourself playing it more than once! It’s a little bit like Catchphrase in that you’re trying to get your team to guess what’s on the card. However, it’s even better because you are bidding against another team to see who can get their team to guess with the least number of words. As a side note, it might be fun to add some prizes for the winners!

  1. Hang Man

This is a classic family game that many of you have probably already played, but it never gets old. For example, many car rides in our family have been filled with hangman, but we never grow tired of playing it! Additionally, you can always make it more interesting by adding rules like, if you guess a wrong letter, you have to do a silly task or challenge.